Leopard Gecko Icon



Lighting is so important to leopard gecko health that having it's own section is neccesary. Leopard geckos need proper lighting setups for their nutrients, digestion, sleep, sight, and more. As discussed in the habitat section, gecko environments should have a warm side created by overhead lighting. During the day, leos need to have a white light that mimics the sun. Additionally, a UV light is neccesary for at least 12 hours a day. The first is primarily for heat, where the second resembles the critical radiant enery for the sun that geckos love to bask in. Both lights should be turned around 800. The white light should be turned off around 2000, and the red before you go to bed. These times can be moved around to fit your personal schedule, however it needs to remain consistent. Lapses in proper lighting cycles can be detrimental to leopard gecko health. Lastly, we recommend a heating pad under the warm side of the tank, preferably under flat basking rocks.